We Are Brave

I recently had a revelation during my daily 4 AM reflection that I shared on Instagram and Facebook. I received so many comments on the posts and privately that the message was I posted was personally powerful to them and came at the perfect time. While the message could be applied to life overall many people were dealing with big issues and this gave them the courage they needed to tackle them. The revelation is that bravery is not a choice, it is our true selves but fear is a choice. 

instagram post
Check out the Instagram post here.

After that day, I’ve been applying this new found insight to all areas of my life with success and ease. It is effortless to know myself as brave now. It is familiar to think of brave as my natural state instead of something I have to strive to be or a decision or choice I must make. It takes the power from fear, knowing that this is how I’m supposed to be and I’m not being extraordinary, I’m being my true self. I’ve been told time and time again that I’m “extra” and that I take everything to level 100. But shouldn’t we do everything at level 100? What’s the point in giving 94%? If you have extra to give, let’s give it, especially when it comes to ourselves. I really believe if you put in the work, you’ll receive the reward.

So now that we know we are brave and when we are brave, we are being our true selves and that fear is a choice, how are we going to live our lives. Not running in the park at night alone with no defenses because that’s not being unafraid, that’s being unprepared and unintelligent! Let’s run to each challenge without choosing fear and being true to our naturally brave selves. We are brave.


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